The assumption is 21 days forms a new habit.
I'm not sure when these habits of mine started. I actually was laughing the entire time while typing this down. I never realised these things until now and how quirky I actually am.
1. I am addicted to buying tickets whenever there is a promo fare.
Whenever I see an update that there's a seat sale coming up, I stay up until wee hours of the morning to book a promo fare. With no plan in mind, I book any destination that seems worth going to even if I haven't figured out who I'm going with yet or where I'm going to find enough money to fund my travel. I guess its this idea on my mind that always tells me it's such a waste or in Tagalog, "Sayang eh."
2. I love eating the fatty part of any meat most especially in pork.
My mom used to scold me because it's so unhealthy but I can't help it. Whenever there's barbecue served, my family usually leaves the fat of the barbecue on the stick for me to eat. That's how well they know me!
3. I cry every time I read or watch anything related dogs even if it's not sad.
I'm a huge dog lover and it tugs on my heart strings whenever I hear stories about dogs.
4. I only sleep when I see the last two numbers of the time is divisible by 5.
For example, I can only sleep if it's 10:10 pm or 10:15.
5. Nail biting is a common habit. I, on the other hand, like licking my fingers.
Disgusting, right? Well, I've already grown out of the habit but I noticed that whenever I feel cold, I sometimes still do it.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Photographed by Anthony Ariston
Goldcoast Bikini Top
Pink Manila Skirt
Sunnies Sunglasses
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