What do women want? Women have come a long way since the days when they were seen as a minority. We are no longer simply just home makers or mothers. We too have goals and ambition for ourselves. I spent last Saturday afternoon together with DIVA Universal to celebrate women. Speakers from all walks of life were invited to share their stories. The first speakers were Mommy Bloggers: Lanie Lluch, Louisa Mercado, and Joy Gurtiza. They shared the pain and joy women go through in motherhood. The second speaker was Marika Callangan who used her sickness as as motivation to put up Woman, Create. While Stacey and Danah Guttierez, the creators of The Plump Pinay, talked about how women should be proud of their bodies. Everyone is created differently. There is no such thing as a standard norm for beauty. All these women had one thing in common: they are warriors who fought through every battle they faced.

Event host Arianne Serafico

Mommy Bloggers

Marika Callangan

The Plump Pinay: Stacey and Danah Guttierez

So what are you?
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