Creating legacies with my younger brother
Elian and I share a different dynamic compared to most brother-sister relationships. He is only 14 years old. We are 9 and a half years apart. That's a big age gap. My parents actually didn't expect to have a second child. He was a "miracle baby" as they call it. My mom was already in her late 30s when she had him. It was a risky pregnancy but it was all worth it to have him in our family. I can't imagine what life would be like without him.
I look up to him in so many ways which is quite unusual since I'm the older one. Normally siblings fight and quarrel over petty things but we never did. We have always gotten along despite not having that many things in common. He was still playing Club Penguin when I was already in college and yet our different interests never hindered us from bonding. Through the years, I feel as if he has taught me more than I have passed on to Elian. Every time I see him, he's either watching his Korean telenovelas, doing his homework, or reading a book for school. I'm constantly amazed by how studious and hand working he is. No one needs to remind him of what to do. He takes the initiative to do it on his own. I aspire to be more like him in the way that he puts his heart in everything he does. That's how I life should be approached. Create a life beyond yourself. Create Legacies. Watch out as Globe Platinum launches its new plan in the next few days.

For more information on the PLATINUM Plan visit: http://globe.com.ph/Platinum
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