Skin Matters

Our skin needs the utmost care. It doesn't matter how old you are. The earlier you begin taking good care of the skin, the better. I only started this year. I'm still a newbie and I'm pretty clueless. I have so many questions and as much as I want to pay my dermatologist a visit every weekend, there's no time. Especially now that it's nearing Christmas and the traffic is getting crazier. I want to be able to learn from the comfort of my own home. I can search it on Google or Youtube but there's no way to tell if those claims are truthful. Thankfully, there's Skin Matters
Skin Matters is a website powered by Unilever to help address all our skin needs not just for women but for men as well. If you have a question that's not on their website, you can ask once of their dermatologists on stand-by. You can be assured with what what they have to say because they are certified by the Philippines Dermatology Society. It's good to know that I'm not the only one with all these questions. I, together with a handful of ladies, spent our Monday afternoon with the team behind Skin Matters. We mixed business pleasure as we got to raise all our concerns while stuffing our stomachs with Todd English's impeccable food. 

This is how the Skin Matters page looks like and on the right you can see my sample question. It's easy to use.

I was able to browse the site while enjoying my food

The host of the afternoon, Nicole Romero (second to the left), who is a beauty editor turned beauty blogger. Visit her blog here. Thank you, Nicole and the rest of the team for having me!

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