I can no longer sing Taylor Swift's song 22 because as of today, I'm 23!

I'm not really big on birthdays. As a matter of fact, I don't like celebrating my birthday because I get awkward whenever all the attention is on me. I am more of a intimate celebration over a big party with 100 people kind-of-girl. I decided to celebrate in advance with my girl friends last weekend at Puerto Princesa, Palawan. (Watch out for my blog post!) While today, I went to work and my officemates threw me a small surprise. Afterwards, I had an intimate dinner with my family. Sadly, my boyfriend is out of the country but he still made sure to make me feel special by sending me flowers and a box of goodies. I'm currently tucked in bed already snuggled with my dogs. I didn't have a grand celebration but I really did feel all the love from everyone around me and that's what matters.

Thank you so much for all the greetings. 

Photographed by Anthony Ariston